
Proceeding establishment date: 2024-08-30

Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne Spółka Akcyjna w Krakowie

ul. Św. Wawrzyńca 13

31-060 Kraków

Tax ID [tax identification number]: 6790085613

Contact person:

Tomasz Pałetko



Części do taboru tramwajowego


Purchasing mode: Enquiry

Signature of the case: -

Order object:

Order object:

No. Order object CPV/Index Quantity U.o.m. Place of execution Termin wykonania Attachment/Link Notes
1. KLOCEK HAMULCOWY DO WAG N R-555 TN00102001ZZ 16 pieces Read
2. PŁYTA Z PIANKI PUR 200X120X1 CM YY13418601ZZ 2 pieces Read
3. PŁYTA Z PIANKI PUR 200X120X4 CM YY13418604ZZ 1 pieces Read
4. PŁYTA Z PIANKI PUR 200X120X5 CM YY13418609ZZ 2 pieces Read
5. ODBÓJ GUMOWY MASKI POKRYWY SILNIKA VW 1H0823499 YY10715501ZZ 60 pieces Read
6. PODUSZKA MAŹNICZA 170MM X 240MM YY20435201ZZ 8 pieces Read
7. CEOWNIK Z/G WYM. 50X40X3,0 MM ZWYKŁY GAT. ST3S/ S235JRG2 - 70.08 metre Read
8. PRASKA RĘCZNA PZ 10R 0,75-10 YY06616004ZZ 1 pieces Read
9. OSŁONA ABSORBERA/SPRZĘGU STADLER 12329853 TS01241003ZZ 1 pieces Read

Criteria for evaluation of offers:

No. Category Weight criteria
1. Price 100%
2. Lead time 0%

Formal criterias:

  1. Terms of payment: 30 days
  2. Place of delivery: company headquarters
  3. Cost of transport: lies with the contractor

Questions regarding the proceedings "Części do taboru tramwajowego"

No. Question title Date of question Status
No data


Deselect everything in sections
Select everything in sections

Currency: PLN

The value below the amount specified in the Public Procurement Law (PZP): Yes

Offer selection: Without the application of an electronic auction

The period of being bound by offer : 21 dni

The possibility of submission of partial offers: Yes

The possibility of submission of equal offers: Sun

The possibility of submission of variant offers: Sun


1. We use the Logintrade procurement platform as a means to contact the contractors.

2. Registration in the contractor database, viewing announcements and submitting commercial offers is free of charge.

3. If you do not have an account on the Logintrade procurement platform, register in the contractor database in order to receive a login and a password to your account. One contractor account allows you to receive announcements from multiple Ordering Parties

4. Rules of the Procurement Platform are available in the registration panel.

Enquiry is out of date.

Time to make an offer is up...