
Proceeding establishment date: 2022-11-15

Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne Spółka Akcyjna w Krakowie

ul. Św. Wawrzyńca 13

31-060 Kraków

Tax ID [tax identification number]: 6790085613

Contact person:

Magdalena Prorok



Odnowienie wsparcia na HP Blade c3000


Purchasing mode: zapytanie ofertowe

Signature of the case: DI.281.26.2022

Order object:

Zapraszam do składania ofert spełniających wymagania określone w zaproszeniu.

Order object:

No. Order object CPV/Index Quantity U.o.m. Place of execution Termin wykonania Attachment/Link Notes
1. Odnowienie wsparcia oraz gwarancji HPE Tech Care Essential SVC od 2023-01-01 do dnia 2023-12-31 dla : BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure HP S/N: CZ3551SBSP ProLiant BL460c Gen9 S/N: CZ25502MQ1 ProLiant BL460c Gen9 S/N: CZ25502MQ2 ProLiant BL460c Gen9 S/N: CZ25502MQ3 ProLiant BL460c Gen9 S/N: CZ25502MQ4 HP 1Gb Ethernet Pass-Thru Module for c-Class BladeSystem S/N: TWT530V002 CPV/Indeks 1 pieces Read
2. Odnowienie wsparcia oraz gwarancji HPE Tech Care Essential SVC od 2023-01-01 do dnia 2023-08-31 dla: HP B-series 8/12c SAN Switch BladeSystem c-Class S/N: CN8542A046 CPV/Indeks 1 pieces Read

Criteria for evaluation of offers:

No. Category Weight criteria
1. Price 100%

Formal criterias:

  1. Terms of payment: 30 days
  2. Cost of transport: lies with the contractor
  3. oficjalny partner HPE
  4. Przypisanie wsparcia do konta HPE Zamawiającego
  5. Wsparcie oraz gwarancja producenta firmy HPE

Questions regarding the proceedings "Odnowienie wsparcia na HP Blade c3000"

No. Question title Date of question Status
No data


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Currency: PLN

The value below the amount specified in the Public Procurement Law (PZP): Yes

Offer selection: Without the application of an electronic auction

The period of being bound by offer : 30 dni

The possibility of submission of partial offers: Sun

The possibility of submission of equal offers: Sun

The possibility of submission of variant offers: Sun


1. We use the Logintrade procurement platform as a means to contact the contractors.

2. Registration in the contractor database, viewing announcements and submitting commercial offers is free of charge.

3. If you do not have an account on the Logintrade procurement platform, register in the contractor database in order to receive a login and a password to your account. One contractor account allows you to receive announcements from multiple Ordering Parties

4. Rules of the Procurement Platform are available in the registration panel.

Enquiry is out of date.

Time to make an offer is up...